Here is TDS return filing due date for fy 2022-23:
- First quarter- 1st April to 30th June- last date 31st July.
- Second quarter- 1st July to 30th September – last date 31st October.
- Third quarter- 1st October to 31st December- last date 31st January.
- Fourth quarter- 1st January to 31st March – last date 31st May.
Our accounting experts have a broad reach and know that construction companies face challenges when dealing with their accounts. We not only improve your operational efficiency, however, by assisting in TDS returns filing services. Our professionals know your business’s needs; hence we can advise on better cash flow management and increase profitability. Taxing experts from our side ensure that we help make financial reports and construction audits required for mergers and acquisitions. Lex N Tax Associates provides Best TDS return filing services.